Ommetje Redesign

The dutch brain foundation have developed an app the get more people to walk everyday, the ommetje app, the goal of the app is to get people to walk over 20 minutes which keeps people mentally healthy.

The app is a big succes although the number of users is decreasing and most of the users are older than 40.

The problem

The assignment is to redesign the app so that it will attract people under 40 to use the app and keep them motivated to continue using the app even if they fall out of the top ranking

The company has a few desired outcomes as well as their business goals set for the app

  • Make the experience of the app feel more like a personal trainer
  • Keep the users motivated even if there are not in the top ranking
  • Persuade the users to continue their walk for longer than 10 minutes



Customer journey of the app currently

The concept

Before redesigning the app we first have to understand the use of the app. The first thing I noticed when using the app is that your ommetje counts even if you’re not walking, this is not legit to me since the whole meaning behind the app is for the users to walk, so that’s something i’m changing. The second thing I noticed is that the old man is not appealing at all especially if you want to target a younger audience so that’s something i’m also going to change by creating a more appealing mascotte and personality which fits the target audience more During my ommetje I noticed that there isn’t much encouragement and motivation coming from the app while walking, that’s something that i’m changing too by giving the app a more competition like concept


One of the biggest changes I made is the redesign is by giving the app a mascotte which is a cute brain now, a brain that can talk.

An app that is viewed as a incorporating expertise had more change of persuasion, The mascotte (the brain) talks to you during your experience with ommetje.

I’ve created a leaderboard on the homepage so not only can the user keep track of their own performance but also the performances of the rest of the group. (Competition)

 I’ve changed the achievements part of the app, by giving the users different kind rewards. (rewards) The users have a detailed overview of each achievement and what they need to do for their next reward.

The biggest improvement I made is by changing the mascotte and animate it so it looks like it is walking too

The app guides the user through an experience, while persuading the user to keep going during their “ommetje”

The app provides notification during the “ommetje” (the phone will vibrate) after 10 minutes with a message and a praise. By offering praise, the app makes the user open to persuasion, it motivates the user to keep going with their “ommetje”.



The app provides notification during the “ommetje” (the phone will vibrate) this notifaction suggests the user to keep walking to surpass someone’s record from the group, it persuades the user to keep walking. 

The app offers a suggestion to persuade the user to do an ommetje, the app does is by giving notifications/reminder to the user to do an ommetje or persuade them to go on a little linger with their ommetje

It also motivates the user by adopting a target attitude by the human drive to compete with other or a group, by suggesting the user to walk a few more km to surpass a group member

One of the biggest changes I made in the app is not to reward the user with XP point but reward the users with the amount of km they actually walked.

The goal of the app is for the users to walk, the users get points when they start an ommetje even when they’re not actually walking. so for the redesign, I changed it to being rewarded on the amount of km the users has walked

The app motivate the user by adopting a target attitude by the human drive to compete with other or a group, by having a “board” on the homescreen where your track your position in the group will motivate the user to surpass the next person on the ”board”

Public recognition for a group the user is more likely to stay motivated to adopt a target behaviour.

The user will more likely to be motivated if the user can observe others performing behaviour, they can do so by looking at the “your ommetje” board on the home screen

The app has a “plan your ommetje” feature in which the user can plan their ommetje ahead, this helps the user to stay motivated to do an ommetje regulary. (Reminders)

The app also gives reminders to the user for when they’ve planned an ommetje in the app and as an external notification.

Copyright by Ashley Keuning

Made with love <3